Smoking and using tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and other smokeless products can lead to, or worsen many illnesses and health conditions. Tobacco smoking is known to result in about 90% of deaths due to lung cancer, and 80% of deaths as a result of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). At Saydon Pharmacy, we will help you to create a reasonable and effective quit smoking timeline in Birmingham.
Nicotine is a substance in cigarettes that is responsible for physical addiction. Smoking is also a social habit, making it even harder to give it up.
Most smokers take a shot at quitting multiple times before succeeding. Medications and counselling are available to make it easier to quit, and a combination of both is even more effective.
There are usually four stages smokers go through in the process of quitting, which include:
1. Contemplation (wanting to quit but you are not ready yet)
– This is the stage when the idea to quit smoking is born, with plans to give up smoking in the near future; maybe in six months or less.
– The smoker admits that smoking is a problem and they are open to identifying the challenges that prevent them from quitting.
2. Preparation (setting a quit smoking timeline in Birmingham)
– This is the stage where the decision to quit is born.
– Smokers understand how smoking is negatively affecting their health and life in general. Therefore, steps are made towards stopping, such as smoking fewer cigarettes and deciding on the quitting date.
3. Action (quitting)
Smokers actively try to stop smoking by:
– Making an effort to stay motivated through the use of short-term rewards.
– Seeking support from family, friends, and professionals.
– Making a commitment to change their habits.
– Planning how to deal with the pressures and challenges associated with quitting.
This is the stage where smokers require the most external help and support, which can go for up to six months
4. Maintenance (remaining a non-smoker)
– Former smokers can now deal with temptations to smoke again and can cope with boredom, stress, and social influence without the need to smoke.
– They may fall into temptation once in a while and have a cigarette, but can easily bounce back.
What is the quit smoking timeline in Birmingham?
The period that an average person takes to quit smoking is determined by a lot of factors. However, the actual quitting process requires no time at all, as it’s simple: stop smoking cigarettes. The hard part is avoiding cigarettes and not smoking again.
Even though the exact timeline will vary from person to person, there is a general process that the body and mind undergo when someone quits smoking.
Below is a breakdown of the quit smoking timeline in Birmingham:
– 20 minutes – blood pressure and heart rate levels get back to normal.
– 12 hours – oxygen and carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal.
– 24 hours – high anxiety levels.
– 48 hours – smell and taste senses return as nerve endings regrow.
– 72 hours – the body is now free of nicotine, as cravings and withdrawal symptoms get to their peak. Breathing becomes easier as the lungs heal.
– 5-10 days – craving episodes become shorter and further apart.
– 2-4 weeks – withdrawal symptoms are over and out. The heart and lungs have recovered fully and returned to normalcy.
It’s safe to say that it takes the average person 2 to 4 weeks to completely be free from nicotine and the withdrawal symptoms associated with it.
We can help you find the motivation you need to quit smoking. Get in touch or visit us to start your quit smoking timeline today!
This blog post was written on behalf of Saydon Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.